Website Revamp Coming Soon

Website Revamp Coming Soon

Save the Date. June 1st, 2024

Until then please check out our Lahaina Strong merch below.


August 8th, 2023, was the most tragic day we experienced. Very unexpected and still hard to believe. That day we lost our home, our inventory, our business supplies, and our ENTIRE town to the Lahaina wild fire. My family and I are blessed to be safe. This will be a long journey for myself, my family, and our community, but together we can get through this.

I have decided to finally open my website back up to be able to purchase items I designed that gets printed through a 3rd party company. Once purchased the company prints the t-shirt and ships it directly to you. I then receive the profit from each t-shirt purchased. Funds earned from t-shirts purchased will go to building my business back up as well as helping my family re-build our lives.